Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Developers, developers, developers, developers...

It seems like the seminar I went to yesterday was fairly far below my level.  The man presenting did a very nice job but it was all stuff I was doing almost a year ago, now...

He showed how to use Dashcode to make webapps and he showed XCode and some cool things with native apps.  Unfortunately, the rest of the room wasn't necessarily right for this presentation, either.  There were questions directed towards him like "How can we use flash?" or "I know python, how can I use that to create an iPhone app?"

Hopefully that session doesn't turn into 20 more people creating a 99 cent flashlight or tip calculator.

I'll try to be on to post more about whatever topics come to mind, but for now, everyone should check out this game called "Blackout"  It's only 99 cents and it's a highly addictive puzzle game.  Here's the link.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's been a while

Hello again everyone.

Sorry it's been a while since I last posted, but recently I've been moving back to school, starting classes, working on a fairly large update to one of my apps, talking to a company about possible contract work for the iPhone, and trying to find some free time in there is not as easy as you might think. :) 

Anyway, I'm going to be working on a few things here for the next couple hours, and then I will be attending a session here at my university on iPhone Development.  I'll be sure to pass along anything that seems helpful or lesser-known.  Hopefully they cover at least one or two areas I might not know as much about.  We'll see just how much they can cover in 2.5 hours...

If you would like to see any topics covered, leave a comment or shoot me an email ( works just fine)